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"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." by William E. Henley

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

finger filigree for foxy ladies


5 rings
Today... Tuesday January 18th
around 3pm (my time).. me thinks :o)

lots of love ~tess


  1. Such awesomeness.
    Like CANDY.

  2. You are amazing! How do you do it??? I wish you could put all your time in being my private coach instead of wasting time on weddings, create wonders and following your dream.

  3. ha ha Thank you Sara! You're too funny. I don't think you need a private coach though. You are just fantastic the way you already are! :o)


I treasure your words and the fact that you are
taking the time to share them with me.
Please forgive me if I don't respond personally to you.
I always try but sometimes time just flies away!
love ~tess