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"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." by William E. Henley

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Sniffles and Little Flowers

Oh what a day... Been feeling terrible, coming down with a bad cold. *Sniffles*
But I did manage to work on some new things between blowing my nose..

I just finished this necklace and it's already dark outside... I'll have to wait until tomorrow to take photographs. I already have a story behind this necklace and I know where I want to take the photos. There is a little trail by the river just by our house. I'll head there tomorrow and then back to list it!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!



  1. Thank you Linda!

    Now I am off to bed. Time for some nightquil and some restful sleep..

  2. OMGosh each thing you make just gets more awesome and more awesome. Wish I got to see you in Vegas :(

  3. Thank you. The ring is going to be hard to part with... It really spoke to me..


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Please forgive me if I don't respond personally to you.
I always try but sometimes time just flies away!
love ~tess