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"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." by William E. Henley

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lazy Sunday

This is me... and my baby cat Lisa. She's crazy just like me. She is sitting in my Rio Grande box right now. I hope she doesn't chew on my silver...

I promised myself that I would spend Sunday in the studio finishing up some orders... Instead I somehow got sucked into creating this blog :o)

We'll at least now I have one... I just have to make time to update it. Thanks for stopping by!
I am planning to do updates on new ideas, designs and just everyday stuff so feel free to drop by anytime.



  1. Aw nice pic! Sweet kitty! I have some too and they love my Rio boxes! :-)

  2. When Lisa was smaller she once "dove" straight into a brown paper bag (for wine bottles) and just her little legs sticking out. I had to turn the bag upside down to shake her out. That cat sure loves her small spaces...

  3. Hahaha, I carry my cat around like that too, lol. Too cute ;)

  4. Hi,
    You have carried your cat very interestingly.It is good to have pet in home.

    handy aufladen


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Please forgive me if I don't respond personally to you.
I always try but sometimes time just flies away!
love ~tess