sniff sniff
what secrets are you hiding in here?
Smells kind of dodgy to me.
Like vinegar and some other weird stuff...
and WHOA look at all that dust!
People are gonna think you stink at cleaning.
Oh I see...
You made a temporary setup with all your
little gizmo's and stuff.
It looks a little tight though...
hardly any room for me...
and there's that strange toy you won't let me play with!
–Stella hurry in and check out the forbidden room!
This exploring business makes me exhausted...
and a little bit hungry maybe.
I think I'm just gonna chill out here in the bedroom
for a while. Maybe I'll rapport back on Monday with
the kitchen. These sneaky guys put up a screen door to keep me out.
But don't tell them that I know how to push it open :o)
Hello ladies!
So to add to the whole moving stress I started
getting pains, tingling and numbness in my right arm.
I am guessing 12 years of graphic design finally is
taking it's toll. I have been going to the doctor constantly
(or at least it feels like it) and a physical therapist
who told me that besides my arm problems I am also crooked!
(my right shoulders sits lowers than my left... SO typical!)
So I've been doing lots of stretching and
trying to straighten out.
I am also limiting my online presence
while I work on getting better.
So if you don't hear from me in a few days that is why!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
love ~ lisa & tess (reporting from the new homestead)