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"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." by William E. Henley

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

dirty nails and sunkissed hair

playing with dirt is good for the soul...

love ~tess


  1. one of my favorite things to do when i am stressed. creating a garden and watching it grow while i drink my coffee each morning is wonderful!

  2. I love your little garden sign! And I totally agree, playing with dirt IS good for the soul :-)

  3. Oh yes! I planted new seeds this weekend in my small veggie plot at the bottom of the garden. Nothing beats nipping outside and harvesting fresh veg for dinner each evening :-)

  4. indeed!!!! just started my new balcony garden a couple of weeks ago and it is SUCH A STRESS RELIEVER!!! calms me down everyday after work. it's amazing... love your garden sign!

  5. Nothing has sprouted up yet but I am trying to be patient... but I did see 5 strawberry blossoms peaking out this morning!


I treasure your words and the fact that you are
taking the time to share them with me.
Please forgive me if I don't respond personally to you.
I always try but sometimes time just flies away!
love ~tess